Nozomi Networks Included Third Party Software (SBOM)

Nozomi Networks uses third-party software whose usage is governed by the applicable license agreements from each software vendor.

The notice files containing a copy of all software licenses can be downloaded from the SBOM product pages linked below.

SBOM stands for Software Bill of Materials. It is a list of all the components that make up a particular software product, including both open-source and proprietary components, along with their versions and dependencies. The SBOM provides a comprehensive inventory of all the software components in a product, allowing organizations to track and manage the use of those components across their software supply chain.

The main purpose of an SBOM is to improve software security and transparency by providing greater visibility into the software components that make up a product. This information can be used to identify any vulnerabilities or dependencies that may pose a risk to the product or to the organization using the product. With an SBOM, organizations can proactively manage the risks associated with their software supply chain by tracking and addressing any vulnerabilities or dependencies that may arise.

Nozomi Networks SBOMs are part of our secure software development process, as we want to ensure that our products are secure and compliant with various regulations.

N2OS (Guardian, CMC, Remote collector)


Guardian Air

GPL Code Statement

Some of Nozomi Networks' products include software code that was developed by third parties, which may be subject to the GNU General Public License ("GPL"), or GNU Lesser General Public License("LGPL").

To comply with the GPL's terms, we offer an email service to provide you with a machine-readable source code of the software subject to the GPL.

Please note that the respective programs are distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, and without the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more information, please refer to the respective GNU General Public License.

Under these GNU licenses, you can request the corresponding source files by contacting our PSIRT team at