
Incorrect authorization for Reports configuration in Guardian/CMC before 24.2.0

Last update: 2024-09-11

Advisory IDNN-2024:2-01
TopicIncorrect authorization for Reports configuration in Guardian/CMC before 24.2.0
CWE ImpactCWE-863: Incorrect Authorization
Issue date2024-09-11
AffectsGuardian, CMC < v24.2.0
CVE Name(s)CVE-2024-4465
CVSS Score5.8 (CVSS v4.0)
6.0 (CVSS v3.1)
CVE Risk LevelMedium (CVSS v4.0)
Medium (CVSS v3.1)
Risk Level for Nozomi customersMedium


An access control vulnerability was discovered in the Reports section due to a specific access restriction not being properly enforced for users with limited privileges.


If a logged-in user with reporting privileges learns how to create a specific application request, they might be able to make limited changes to the reporting configuration. This could result in a partial loss of data integrity. In Guardian/CMC instances with a reporting configuration, there could be limited Denial of Service (DoS) impacts, as the reports may not reach their intended destination, and there could also be limited information disclosure impacts. Furthermore, modifying the destination SMTP server for the reports could lead to the compromise of external credentials, as they might be sent to an unauthorized server.

Affected Products

Guardian, CMC < v24.2.0

Workarounds and Mitigations



Upgrade to v24.2.0 or later.

Modification History

2024-09-11: Initial revision

Related Links


We thank the following parties for their efforts:

  • Stefano Libero of Nozomi Networks Product Security team for finding this issue during a scheduled internal VAPT testing session


Nozomi Networks Product Security team can be reached at prodsec@nozominetworks.com.
More contact details on the PSIRT page.