
CSV Injection on node label

Last update: 2024-05-20

Advisory IDNN-2019:2-01
TopicCSV Injection on node label
CWE Impact
Issue date2019-11-11
AffectsGuardian, CMC < v19.0.4
CVE Name(s)NA
CVSS Score5.2 (CVSS v4.0)
8.0 (CVSS v3.1)
CVE Risk LevelMedium (CVSS v4.0)
High (CVSS v3.1)
Risk Level for Nozomi customersMedium


CSV Injection, also known as Formula Injection, occurs when websites embed untrusted input inside CSV files. An authenticated malicious user can insert a crafted formula in the node label that can be later executed on another system after another user has downloaded and opened the node list export.


Guardian/CMC starting before v19.0.4 are affected.

Affected Products

Guardian, CMC < v19.0.4

Workarounds and Mitigations

Not required


Upgrade to v19.0.4

Modification History

2019-11-11: Initial revision
2023-09-04: Minor updates to format and metadata to improve the CSAF implementation
2023-11-13: Migrated to CSAF VEX format
2023-11-16: CSAF vers improvements
2024-05-20: Added CVSS v4.0 scoring where applicable

Related Links


We thank the following parties for their efforts:

  • Jonas Becker of Deloitte GmbH for finding this bug


Nozomi Networks Product Security team can be reached at prodsec@nozominetworks.com.
More contact details on the PSIRT page.